Food Poisoning Symptoms

Food Poisoning Symptoms - How To Deal With Them

Food poisoning is an acute illness caused due to various reasons. The food poisoning symptoms are commonly observed in large number of people nowadays. Lack of cleanliness and negligence about the food items that you ingest is the major reason for your body getting affected by food poisoning. Food is a form of energy that you require to do any kind of work in your day to day life. This energy is produced only through healthy food. It is not that you must totally avoid the outside food but try to eat the home made food for most of the time as the food cooked at home will be more hygienic and healthy and will be cooked with proper care.

There are many reasons for food poisoning, the main sources being canned foods, produce and meat. Fruits and vegetables may be contaminated while growing or when they are being processed. If the kitchen premises are not kept clean then also the food you cook may be contaminated. Not washing your hands properly before cooking, storing the food items at normal temperature for long hours and Improper packing and storing of food are a few reasons to mention. Therefore, you need to be cautious while cooking and storing the food.
food poisoning syptoms

Food Poisoning Symptoms Last

Food poisoning illness does not affect all the human beings in the same manner it varies from person to person depending on their immune system. The most common symptoms of food poisoning are vomiting and diarrhea. Do not panic when you have this kind of violent purging of your body because it is an indication that you are healthy with active immune system. These symptoms are unbearable but by allowing those to do their work will help you in avoiding the pathogens to get hold on your body and within short period you will feel relaxed and easier.

You can even get to know about how strong your immune system is during purging. If the food poisoning lasts for a short period of time and you are able to bounce back easily after violent purging then you can assure that you are healthy and have a good immune system. You will feel better the next day itself and the thirst may last for one more day. In contrary if your immune system is not that good then the vomiting and diarrhea may take long time to stop and also you may find it difficult to bounce back later on. The weakness may carry on for two or more days. In case you try out any medicine to stop purging then the pathogens may get a chance to get hold on your body.

Your body can be compare with a hunted prey animal during this illness, as a strong and healthy animal will react violently to a hunter and a weak animal will be most likely get caught and killed. In order to resolve the food poisoning symptoms you can use healthy drinks and other medicines if required to replace the loss of fluids.